Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Tie-Dyed Family Home Evening

On Monday, we did a FHE lesson on loving all people even if they are different then us. We couldn't think of a better (messier too!) activity than making tie-dyed clothes (nothing ever turns out the same). We had a great time making them but both Brandon and I ended up with stained hands...I guess you really should use gloves!

Taylor dress is on far left, then Callie's onesie, and then Tina and Brandon's t-shirts. We'll have to see if you will ever see us in public wearing them!

Callie wasn't really into the tie-dying, but she really loved the swiss cake rolls we had for dessert!

1 comment:

Bryce & Camillia Dougal said...

What a creative and fun family idea!! Got any others you want to send our way?